Friday, April 3, 2009

Barrett is 3 1/2 months and has been able to roll from his belly to his back for at least a month now. For awhile, we didn't see him actually do it. Early on, I think while lying on his belly, he'd lift his head up so far, the weight would just roll him over. Now, he's learned to tuck his legs under his body and roll. Maybe he'll walk early like his big sister too.

Last night, we went to a Chinese restaurant and the waiters and waitresses couldn't get enough of Barrett. Our waitress came and talked to him, even wiping his drool with a cloth. He just smiled, laughed and talked to her. He really loves anyone sitting and talking to him, especially his sister. It really is cute to see his reaction when he sees Becca. Here is a picture I took as soon as he saw her:

Here is a cute picture of my BMW. I have a friend whose sister makes all kinds of things like this: clothes, bags, nightlights, lunchbags, etc. I figured he needed a littel onesie like this.


{courtney} said...

I think he looks a lot like his big sis in the bottom photo!

Amy said...

They really do...almost twins. They also look a lot like Darren's baby pictures.