Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big boy

My baby turned 4 months old on the 18th. His doctor said he was just over 14 pounds and 24 1/2 inches long. He also said to start cereal and foods if we wanted. So, Barrett tried his first cereal last week. The first day or two, he really wasn't so sure about it.

But after a little bit, he decided it wasn't too bad. Monday, we started trying squash for dinner. That was a definite, "What is that?" look.

Now that he's used to eating something, it didn't take him as long to decide he liked it. As a matter of fact, the next day, he was opening his mouth and I couldn't feed it to him fast enough. We're still working on the swallowing part. He still sticks his tongue out quite a bit, so we usually eat with just a diaper on. Then, we're cleaning his face, belly, hands, legs, and seat. We're trying carrots today. I can't wait until we're on a more regular routine.

1 comment:

Annie said...

He is so cute. I forget how much they grow in 4 months.