My husband takes a golf trip every year to Tunica with some members. It falls during his birthday (October 1st) most years. This year he happened to turn 40 which we're celebrating on Saturday. But, he left on Thursday in the early morning. Becca had woken up in the early morning screaming about her throat hurting. I had heard strep was going around so I figured that's what it was. I started thinking about everything I needed to do the next day so I couldn't fall back asleep. I was doing some things on the computer when Becca all the sudden sat up and said she needed to throw up, which she did. She continued to do it several times over the next few hours. Luckily, I got her into the doctor early the next morning. They said, no sooner had they put the throat swab on, it showed strep. Her great dr actually held Becca's hair and helped me hold the bag as she threw up in his office...we really like Dr. Toms. He gave us antibiotics and some anti nausea medication. Becca kept getting sick and the medicine did not help her. My sweet, sweet friend went to the grocery store for me and got some of the things I needed. I also didn't make it to the early sale of the kids consignment sale, but I got to go the next night and got a few things at least. Friday or Saturday, Becca had a rash on her thighs and a light rash on her chest and face. I thought she was developing an allergy to amoxicillin like Barrett, but the dr said it's because of the strep. So, basically any symptom that can happen with strep, did. I didn't know throwing up could be a symptom; I thought I knew all about strep being that I had it about once a year as a kid. If Becca hadn't woken up an hour or two earlier screaming about her throat, I would have chalked it up to a stomach bug and wouldn't have gotten it checked out as quickly. So, if you're child is throwing up and a high fever, check their throat too...just in case. Someone told me they always knew their child had strep because they'd start throwing up first. She was pretty much back to normal within a couple of days.
Becca is doing well in school. She always has a super star in her daily behavior chart. She's reading more and more and now she has reached another first... a loose tooth. She truly is a joy and a handful at the same time...especially in the morning...not a morning person.
Barrett is wanting to learn more and more. He points to things and wants to know what it is, he loves reading, and doing puzzles. He's getting pretty good and throwing and sometimes catching a ball. He's definitely all boy; he likes to hit balls with anything...a bat, golf club, stick, really anything. He's got a few more words in his vocabulary as well. I can't believe he's almost 2!
Kids at the park
Barrett loves balls!