Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First day

Today, my big girl, went to her first day of preschool. Darren and I took her up there and thought I would get her settled and leave. Darren did have to leave pretty quickly to get to work, but many parents were hanging around so I did too. We took her to her room and met her interim teacher: there still is no permanent teacher. The assistants from the previous year(s) are there so that is good. Every morning, they will go to the cafeteria for breakfast first. I stayed with her while she ate. Her friend, Thomas, who I used to watch in the afternoons is in her class. That is both good and bad. Good because she warmed up quicker and didn't have problems with me leaving. Bad because if she's too comfortable or knows someone, she may not listen as well or make friends as well.

She wanted to ride the bus home so she did. The preschool bus is strictly for preschoolers. There is the bus rider, plus another adult to help them. It is also a hand to hand transfer: they will not let your child off the bus unless you're there to get them off. So, I felt pretty good about letting her try it. With her friend on the bus too, she liked it. Tomorrow, she will start riding the bus to and from school. This also gives me a little extra time to get a few things done.

I tried to find out what she did today but when I asked her, she said, "We played outside." I felt a little better when another friend whose daughter goes to another school, told her the same thing. So, I'm not sure exactly what she did but I know she had fun. I also told her to have fun playing with Thomas but to make some other friends too. Like I said earlier, if she has a friend she's playing with, she doesn't always want to try to make new ones. I'm sure she will in time. As for me, I did pretty good. I went home to feed Barrett and the house was SOOO quiet. I got out, went to Target, and got back in time for the bus.

As for Barrett, he's still as happy as can be. He's finally got his second tooth which came in 3-4 weeks after his first. They're coming in slowly and he doesn't seem to be too cranky about it. He started crawling just a little last week. He's got it pretty perfected now. He doesn't crawl fast but he can get to just about anywhere he wants to go. Wow, one in preschool and one crawling. They really do grow too fast!!

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