Monday, January 4, 2010

Becca's birthday

On Becca's actual birthday, the 10th, I brought cupcakes to her school, mostly because it was her birthday and we weren't inviting most kids to her party (only because we can't invite everyone), but we also had a church staff party that night. We were having her party on Saturday so didn't feel too bad leaving her because we were still going to let her open presents from us and some others that were sent. But, running, just a little behind as always, Darren came home later than hoped, I was finishing up cooking and getting myself ready, we weren't going to have time for presents. Becca of course remembered I said we could do presents. So, I let her open 1 before and promised we would open the rest when we got home. She was satisfied with that, thank goodness. That helped alleviate some of my guilt. We had a good time at the pastor's house. Everyone brought some really good food. I had a dessert sample because I couldn't choose, then we did a dirty santa gift exchange. Someone had a cute snowman glitter 'lava lamp' nightlite I thought Becca would like. When I took it, I told everyone it was Becca's birthday. A couple of people thought about taking the nighlite but thought they wouldn't hear the end of it if they took something from a child. So, Becca was excited when we got home. As promised she opened the rest of her presents and then had to go to bed to get up for school since it was already late.

We braved Chuck E Cheese this year for Becca's party. It wasn't as bad as some Saturdays we've been there. We had a mishap free birthday this year. She chose Scooby Doo for her theme. I'll hand it to Chuck E Cheese, they really do a lot for the kids. Becca got extra tokens, parade around the tables, dance with her friends & Chuck E Cheese, a chance to go in the ticket machine, etc. She had a great time with her friends.

The next day, on Sunday, our church had an evening of praise where all the different choirs sang, individuals sang or played an intstrument, etc. You know how there's always 'one of those' in every group...I got her. I'm trying to round up a better video, but for now, just watch her after the first song. She give a big thumbs up, big waves, and a loud whisper to her teacher, "that's my mom!"

She also had her preschool program at school. She was not as animated there, maybe because it was a much bigger group. They actually combined both preschool groups for the program. I really enjoy this age where you can see them perform; I enjoyed both.


Becca & Barrett both had their checkups that week as well. Becca is in the 97th percentile in height and weight and Barrett is in the 50th for height and 25th for weight. It's funny, Becca has always been tall for her age and so far, Barrett has always been average. I think it would be funny if they ended up at about the same height, although may feel a little bad for Barrett.

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