Monday, February 1, 2010


Near the beginning of the month we had a little over an inch of snow. It didn't get above 30 for a week or more, plus it snowed very, very lightly over a couple of days so the snow didn't melt. There was enough snow on the golf course to go sledding. Barrett had a nasty cough and didn't get to go but Darren took Becca and met some friends up there. They were out for 2-3 hours sledding, playing and roasting marshmallows. The second day, there wasn't as much snow on the bigger hill so they went to another hill. The hill sloped down to the right so Darren wasn't concerned about the pond. Well, Becca and her friend went down the hill and instead of turning with the slope they headed right towards the pond. Darren is yelling at them to fall off while they're happily careening towards the pond. Darren is running after them and they slide right onto the pond...frozen! It didn't crack but Darren was still nervous what would happen if he got on it. Luckily, it had been so cold for long enough and it was a small enough pond that it didn't break. Needless to say, they didn't try that hill again. Darren got some pictures on his phone, however, he dropped it in coke so I'm not sure if we'll ever recover those pictures.

We have a group of friends who get together once a month for game night. It varies from 4 to 8 couples. Sometimes we combine the kids together, get a couple of babysitters and have them at one house and we go to another. Well, we picked the weekend of Disciple Now weekend for the teenagers here, so, we decided just to have the kids here while we were here. Luckily we decided to do that because about an hour after the kids arrived, the girls came running in saying Becca is throwing up. I didn't think she was really sick (see my Christmas post about the airplane ride); I thought we were having deja vu. I put her in my room and we commenced our evening. I checked on her every once in awhile and she did end up having a stomach bug. I felt so bad for her. Eventually, she was up every 20 minutes for hours..until 3:00 in the morning. I felt horrible and so wanted to do anything to make her stop. We were both miserable...I was so glad when it was over.

We sometimes have schizophrenic weather around here, but I had not seen anything like this before. Check out this video. 5 minutes or so later in was lightly raining. 10-15 minutes later, it was doing this.

Well, it snowed again this last weekend and Darren got a couple of pictures. This time, we took Barrett outside in our front yard. We got 4-6 inches (I've heard different reports) so Barrett wasn't really sure he liked it.

This video is at the golf course, Becca and her friend are the second sled coming down.

As a side note, I follow several couponing blogs that help me save money, show me where some of the best deals are, let me know when something is on a huge sale and give away things. I've signed up for giveaways that interest me and I finally won! I never win anything I enter so I was ecstatic! I got my stuff in today. It doesn't take much to make me happy. I love "school supplies", so I was excited to get this. The only thing is I was hoping the notebook would have been a little bigger. I was wanting to use a really cute book for my preschool/nursery job, but I will put it to good use. I got this from the blog

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hey, Amy! I started couponing for groceries a few months ago. It is amazing how much money you can save.