Sunday, December 9, 2007

Becca's birthday

Sigh...Becca is 3! I can't believe how fast time flies. We celebrated her birthday with her friends on Saturday. We had twelve, 2, 3, 4 and one 6-year-old. I had "stations" set up so they could make gingerbread men, foam door hangers with these cool Christmas peel off foam shapes and letters (thank you WalMart) and Christmas necklaces. We ate pizza and a backyardigans cake made by an acquaintance. She can freehand just about anything as long as you give her a picture and also puts almond flavoring in the icing which makes the cake not only smell great, but also taste great. I have a friend who doesn't like cake that well but had 2 pieces of this cake because it's so delicious. After her nap, we went downtown where there were many merchants and churches open with various activities and model trains, free horse carriage rides and train rides, as well as a reading of the Polar Express which they were then given a hardback copy of the book as well as a little silver bell. We also stayed for the lighting of the Christmas tree which was turned on by a little boy in our community who has luekemia. We had a busy but a good day. Today she got her gifts from us and we went to Toys R Us to use the grandparents money to buy an easel. Then we picked up lunch (her choice hamburgers). She just got back from a friend's Christmas party where they made crafts, played games and ate goodies. I wish my birthday would last an entire weekend! Hmmm...that's a great thought!

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