Sunday, January 13, 2008

Christmas and beyond

Wow! It was fun but I'm still catching up. December is crazy with Becca's birthday, parties, and getting things ready to go. We're never at home for Christmas since we never travel for Thanksgiving. This year, we drove to Oklahoma to spend a few days with my family. We left at 10:30 one evening and Darren and I took shifts in the driver's seat. A lot of the driving was spent in fog. Christmas Eve, we flew to Arizona and spent time with his parents and brother's family. Darren actually got to play golf every day so he was happy. Then we flew back to OK and a couple of days later drove back home. I am still having a hard time getting my routine going again but hope to soon. Becca loved spending time with her Gram, Grandma & Grandpa and all her aunts, uncles, and cousins...especially her cousin Cade. Here are a few pictures of our family gatherings.

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