Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My dad

Today would have been my dad's 63rd birthday. It's been 2 years since we lost him and I still think about him quite a bit. Sometimes it makes me happy to think about him and a certain memory; sometimes it makes me sad that I can no longer hear his voice or call him when I want to share some exciting news or get his advice on a problem I'm having...which I did quite often. Darren and I celebrated my birthday at the Melting Pot; they gave us a sheet of questions to get us talking and see how much we knew about each other. One of them was who do you admire most? Dad was the only person that came to mind and Darren knew instantly how to answer that question. I hear people all the time talk about tension in their family and how they're not close and I'm glad that my parents made such a wonderful home for us. My dad's mom called me on my birthday and said how much I remind her of him which made my day. I'm going on a scrapbooking weekend this weekend and hope to make a huge dent in the scrapbook I'm making about my dad, not only for my memories, but so Becca will know who her Daddy Max was.

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