Saturday, August 16, 2008

Guess what we're having??

We are so excited to find out we're having a boy...especially my husband. I honestly didn't have a preference. The problem now is names; I think boy names are much harder because you can't get cutsie or girlie with boys which narrows the field down. We want something a little different, although I will probably use my dad's middle name for his middle name which is Max. That also narrows down the choices as we will have to find something that goes with Max. My doctor told me if I don't go into labor on my own, we can induce anytime after Christmas. I don't want too close to Christmas but I don't want to go into the new year either. If he would come on his own two weeks early and be healthy, that would be great. Most of my family are coming into town for the holidays which will be nice. Just thought I should share our great news!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Amy, that is so exciting. I'm happy for you guys. And, I agree--boy names are much harder.