Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween party

There is a family here that goes all out for Halloween. They invite a ton of kids and have all kinds of games, activities, and food for everyone to eat. They always have great costumes too. Last year they were Frankenstein and the bride of Frankenstein; this year they were Fred and Wilma Flinstone. Becca was so excited to go. This is the first year she had an opinion, or maybe the first year I asked her, on what she was going to be for Halloween. She has been watching Aladdin a lot and decided she wanted to be Princess Jasmine. I couldn't find one her size at the store so I went to Disney online and found a cute costume and shoes. She was so excited, she said, "I can't wait until everyone sees my Jasmine costume." I just love when she gets so excited about things. They played a game called musical tombs. They gave everyone a tombstone drawn on a piece of paper with funny names on them (sorry I can't think of one now) and played "musical chairs". Well, my daughter has never played that game and doesn't really understand the concept. Most of the kids there were a little older. When she didn't land on a tombstone and another kid told her she was out, she wagged her finger at him and said, "No, I'm not out" and I'm sure a few other things. The lady running the game told me later (because I couldn't hear what was going on) that she cracked up at her gestures and mannerisms. They played all sorts of games and just played in the backyard, went on a "hayride" and then all went inside for a feast. They do know how to throw a party and Becca enjoyed every minute of it. They had to eat the cookie off the string without touching it Yum! Making slime! Just some of the cute, delicious food

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