Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wow! How time really flies by when you have a newborn. With one, you can sleep when they sleep or get a few things done around the house. With a preschooler, you need to give attention to them in between feedings and whatever cleaning you get around to doing. We still have rest time here, so while Becca is watching a movie, I try to get a few zzz's in either before or after Barrett eats. We have been letting Becca stay up until we go to bed...this helps us in the morning because she will sleep in until 8 or 9:00, which helps me get a few extra zzz's hopefully. There have been a few nights he's gone 4-5 hours between feedings. The only problem we're really having is he's a little gassy and he doesn't burp well. So, lying him down doesn't work for too long. The swing helps some, but he still gags a little and when I get him up, he typically gives me a big burp. So, today during the day, I'm trying him in his bed on his belly. I know, it's a big no-no, but I'm seeing how well he does with his head; I really think it will help with his belly. He sleeps really well when he's sleeping on my or Darren's belly. I know, he's only 4 1/2 weeks old but it would be nice to be able to lay him down and get some sound sleep.

At his 2 week checkup a couple of weeks ago, he was already 9 pounds 12 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. That's 2 1/2 inches and a pound and a half in 2 weeks! He is really growing and eats really well and will occasionally sleep well in the right position.

His first bath

Big sister loves to help

Daddy and his kids in Barrett's favorite position

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