Thursday, January 22, 2009


Monday, I'm having eye surgery to fix my drooping eyelid. I have a list of things I can't do before surgery and a list of restrictions after surgery. The first 48 hours after surgery is the most restrictive: I can't bend over, I need to put ice cold cloths on my eye for 15 minutes of every hour, sleep in a recliner, no lifting over 10 pounds for 1 week. I am lucky to have my in-laws coming in to help with the kids, me, and everything else. I wanted to have my eye fixed but wasn't expecting a C-section, so I wasn't considering 2 surgeries so close together. But, I'm pretty well recovered from the first just in time for the second. At least this doesn't have as much recovery time. Here is a picture of the before:

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Amy, you're in my prayers! I'm praying your surgery is super successful! Love ya.