Saturday, May 29, 2010


My first baby is no longer a preschooler! I can't believe she'll be going to kindergarten next year. The last day of school, they combined both the preschool classes and had a fun day outside. There were 3 different "stations" set up and the kids rotated: kiddie pools, playground and a bouncer. They went inside to get lunch from the school because of state regulations but then came outside and had pizza and juice. Becca had a lot of fun playing with her friends but we were ready to come home because it was HOT and Barrett missed his morning nap.

The little boy in blue in the pool is one of her best friends; they fight and get along like brother and sister. I hope they're in the same class next year but for the teacher's sake, maybe that's not a good idea.

Her other best friend graduated kindergarten and had a sleepover at her house last night since it was the last day of school for them. Becca has never done a sleepover but I wasn't too concerned for 2 reasons: first, she's pretty self assured and second, this is a friend that we hang out with A LOT. (we trade date nights with them so they're at each others houses several times a month; as a matter of fact, this summer we have a great deal worked out, she'll have my kids one day and I'll have her kids one day so we can do things we need to do or want to do without them.) I love friends like this. They had such fun with games and fun little crafts to do. They went to bed at midnight and got up around 7:00, so I'm thinking a nap will be in order. Just like I suspected, she didn't have any problems. Darren, Barrett and I went to a late dinner and then Wal-Mart and didn't get home until 9:00, so we hardly knew Becca was gone. The only thing that hit me was after Darren and I went to bed, I went back in the kitchen to get my phone and the light was on; (we leave it on in case Becca gets up since she doesn't like the dark) Darren had forgotten that Becca wasn't home so he left the light on for her.

Barrett is beginning to catch on to things, still no real words but we communicate. He's learned to shake his head and let me know he doesn't want something. He will, at times, throw himself on the floor and scream when he's not getting his way. He goes to get the kid stool and put it wherever he needs to reach something he can't. He loves to sit in my lap and get book after book, pointing at things; I must admit I like that part as well. He has been a pretty picky eater, rarely eating fruits or vegetables but I try to put 1 or 2 on his tray so he can get used to them; they say it takes 12-15 introductions for kids to like something. We may have had a small breakthrough. Becca wanted carrots, so I put 2 on his tray thinking he'd just smash them like always, which he did. But then, he picked one up and didn't spit it back out. He finished them and did the sign for "more", so I put 5-6 more down and he ate them all. Now another day, he may not have anything to do with them but we had a small victory at least.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Yay for small victories, Barrett! And boo on preschool graduations. I am still in denial, and it is a nice place to be. ;)