We had pictures with live bunnies, snacks, crafts, the Easter story, and the egg hunt. At our registration table, we had bags of different color jelly beans where each color coincided with an element of the salvation story. Our ministry team thought of that idea to give everyone who came one which I thought was great. Some of the pictures, you can't see the bunnies but some of them, the bunnies decided to poke their head out of the box. Some ladies made wonderful cookies and someone else tore up all the tissue paper for our craft. We borrowed a cattle ring and filled it with hay. Because it wasn't very big, we had to do the hunt in shifts but everyone had a good time. Some teenagers went in between shifts to re-fill the hay.
Photo area
Listening to the story
Craft area
After church on Easter, we went to the club for their annual lunch buffett and egg hunt. The food was delicious as always. However, the rain did not hold off for Sunday. So, instead of hunting eggs outside, the Easter bunny walked around with a huge bag of eggs for the kids to fill their buckets.
Then the kids got to pick out an Easter basket to take home. The rain let up enough so we could get some family pictures outside of the pro shop.
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