Monday, June 25, 2007

Alarm system

We got an alarm system installed last week. It's a company, APX, that is going to newer neighborhoods and getting a few houses to sign up and install everything for free. They just want us to, of course pay the monthly service fee, but just put keep the sign in our yard as advertising. It's like onstar for your home. There is a smoke alarm and a glass break alarm directly connected to the system so they'll call the police or fire department automatically for you. They also come over the system to check on you before they do that. They gave us a keychain on/off too, just like you have for your car. Anyway, I was coming in the house Saturday with a friend, trying to get Becca in with my hands full. I forgot about the alarm which starts going off, so I reach for my keychain and hit the panic button by misktake. They come over and ask my name and password and ask if everything is okay which I had to confess what I did. Okay, that happens, they probably understand. Yesterday, I'm talking on the phone with a friend and the most loud, obnoxious, contant beep goes off, and Becca's monitor is screeching. It takes me a few seconds to realize it's the alarm system, so I turn it off. They come over again and ask if everything is okay. I'm still not sure what happened there, I need to call them. Who knows what they think of the crazy lady in Hopkinsville or what I'll do next, but at least I know it works and they're checking up on me. So, it's been an adjustment, but I'm glad we have it.

1 comment:

Alarmanlage Haus said...

An alarm system customized to the extra step for safety and security. These systems are good not only to discourage theft and vandalism, but they are also very useful in emergencies. Numerous studies have shown that homes with alarms are less likely to be broken in because when you get one installed in your home, you put up signs and other warnings that your house is armed state of the art security. These systems can range from something that will alert authorities when a window or door is penetrated or can be as sophisticated as to have a complete security system installed with cameras and motion detectors throughout your home.