Friday, July 9, 2010


Summer really is flying by. I leave for vacation in a little over a week and when we come back, there is only 2 weeks until school starts. So, what have we been doing with our time? Well, you already seen some of the fun things we've done so far. After we got back from OK, it was time to jump into VBS. This is always a fun but exhausting week. The previous 2 years, I have helped with crafts but this year, being that I'm a paid nursery coordinator, I naturally was in charge of the nursery. We only had 7 or 8 on a good day that ranged in age from 9 months to almost 3 years old. (The nursery was only open to VBS workers) I know all the kids but I'm rarely in a room with them or teaching them; I had so much fun. We smashed apples, painted with kitchen utensils, "walked on water", used paper "rocks" and a sheet and played the parachute game(where you shake it until all the rocks fell out), made mud, and many other things. The kids favorite thing was probably the parachute game, even our most shy kid loved it, it was the first day I heard him say more than 2 words. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch so the last day, some church members brought their horses out for the kids to see. Let me say this before you try and watch the following videos (if they will ever upload). One, my camera is so old so the quality is not great. Secondly, I had my nursery kids with me (and some others were helping me too) but I was trying to keep an eye on them and wasn't paying attention to the fact that I kept moving around. So, you may not want to watch the video much but if you look in the middle of the group in the dark purple shirt is Becca. She got chosen to go up on the last day to help lead the singing.

The next week we were doing something every day. I had kids at my house a couple of times, went to see a free movie at the theater, had t-ball 2 nights, got some work done at church and Becca and I got haircuts.

Fourth of July was fun. Every year we're invited to some friend's house who has a big family/friend gathering. There's tons of food, homemade ice cream (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and banana) I love chocolate ice cream but as far as homemade goes, banana is the best and strawberry is a close second. There were some kids there that Becca could play with. Becca is at that great age that I don't have to keep an eye on at all times. She was running around outside and inside with the kids her age and older; Darren or I would check on her once in awhile, but we knew she would be close. Barrett didn't stray much from me but he had fun. The fireworks were getting ready to begin and the kids were on a blanket and Barrett was standing in front of them watching them with his back to the fireworks. Now, I had given him his blanket knowing they were going to start in case he needed a little security. The look on his face was priceless. There were a couple of booms and he stopped, looked around, then turned around, saw the fireworks and heard the noise and his face changed, dropped his blanket and came towards us fussing. Darren scooped him up and he enjoyed the rest of the fireworks from the comfort of daddy's arms. The other day, Becca wanted a little alone time so she went in her room and shut the door. Barrett followed her and sat down by her door. He follows her around and it is so cute.

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